The Chick-fil-A Mirror
Every now and then an
event comes along that offers a unique reflection of our world. A mirror,
if you will, of what our culture has become.
One took place this past
week through the catalyst of three words from the CEO of a restaurant chain:
“Guilty as charged.”
Dan Cathy, president and
chief operating officer of Chick-fil-A, gave an interview to Baptist Press.
Correctly saying that there is no such thing as a “Christian business,” he did
offer that organizations such as his can operate on biblical principles “asking
God and pleading with God to give us wisdom on decisions we make about people
and the programs and partnerships we have.”
Then came the match that
lit the fire.
When asked about the
company’s support of the traditional family, Cathy simply said, “Well, guilty
as charged.”
He then went on to say,
“We are very much supportive of the family – the biblical definition of the family
unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business…our
restaurants are typically led by families…We want to do anything we possibly
can to strengthen families.”
Gasp! How dare
he say that when it comes to families, his support goes with the historic,
traditional understanding of millennia that reflects his Judeo-Christian
At least that seemed to be
the collective response from such cultural epicenters as the media.
The Baptist Press
interview was picked up by the Huffington Post, Associated Press, USAToday,
Los Angeles Times and more – most with the phrase “anti-gay” in the
headline – fueled by the “revelation” that the privately-owned business donated
to Christian groups that opposed homosexuality.
[Of course, overlooked
were the millions of dollars Chick-fil-A gives each year to other charitable
causes. For example, they fund foster care programs, schools of higher
learning, and children’s camps. They provide scholarships for the employees
to attend college, and this past Friday, they provided free meals for the
police force in Aurora, Colorado.]
Many on twitter and in the
blogosphere immediately labeled them a hate group.
Yes, a hate group.
Then the mayor of Boston
vowed to block Chick-fil-A from opening a restaurant in the city because it is
a business “that discriminates against a population.”
The Jim Henson Company of
Kermit and Miss Piggy fame said they will stop providing toys for the fast food
chain’s kids’ meals because the company won’t endorse same-sex marriage.
They plan on donating money already received from Chick-fil-A to the Gay &
Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD).
Ed Helms, star of the
sitcom The Office, publicly promised a personal boycott.
Okay, let’s put our
big-boy pants on for a minute.
Cathy never uttered the
words “anti-gay” in the interview. All he did was state, when pointedly
asked, his support for the traditional family as outlined in the Bible.
Further, the company made
it clear following Cathy’s comments that they had no intention of entering the
policy debate over same-sex marriage, and that the Chick-fil-A “culture and
service tradition in our restaurants is to treat every person with honor, dignity
and respect – regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation or
And indeed, there has
never even been a hint of discrimination in Chick-fil-A’s history.
So Chick-fil-A is not a
hate group, does not discriminate, and is not actively working in the realm of
public policy.
It just has personal core
But my, what a mirror this
has provided, and the reflection is worth noting in detail.
Fifty years ago, any
support of homosexual practice would have ended your business. Now, the
threat to your business is support of the traditional family.
It is a fascinating
progression that has taken place in American culture.
First, classical Christian
orthodoxy was marginalized.
Second, it became ostracized.
Third, it became demonized.
Fourth, it became penalized.
And now the move would
seem to be to have it criminalized.
Defining discrimination as
disagreement, and then disagreement as a hate crime, is one of the more
frightening developments of our time.
But developed it has.
As the Baptist Press
reporter has since said of the tempest over Cathy’s remarks, “I don’t
understand why that’s a bad thing all of a sudden. It was not an anti-gay
statement. It was a pro-family statement.”
But that’s the point.
That’s the reflection
given to us in this mirror.
Welcome to our world.
James Emery White
“'Guilty as charged,'
Cathy says of Chick-fil-A's stand on biblical & family values”; read online.
“Chick-fil-A steps out of
public debate on gay marriage”; read online.
“Boston mayor vows to keep
Chick-fil-A out of city”; read online.
“Some Chick-fil-A news
reports called ‘distorted’”; read online.
“In Defense of Eating at
Chick-fil-A”; read online.
“Huckabee launches
‘Chick-fil-A Day’ for Aug. 1”; read online.
“Muppets company severs
ties with Chick-fil-A over gay marriage stance”; read online.