Wednesday, June 10

Formula For Success!

Subjective Truth Better Than Objective ONLY

Not all truth that we learn can be said to have been written on our hearts, nor should it. But God's Word thrives in the region of the soul where it affects the ruling center of our lives. Most truth starts in our heads. It takes another and greater act of grace for truth to travel from our minds into our souls. That's where we must start in the ongoing pursuit of "success" God's way. Let's learn what God in his wisdom says in Proverbs 3:3-4, 
Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart.  4 So you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man.
The "Stuff" of Success

Solomon cites "steadfast love and faithfulness" as indispensable twin virtues, which if written indelibly on one's heart will render them favorable and a good success in God's sight. The question is what is the significance of "steadfast love and faithfulness?" Variously translated, "mercy or kindness and truth," according to the Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament (Harris, Archer, & Waltke), most combine these two terms as a hendiadys ("one noun serves to describe the other"). The first term, hesed, seems more encompassing than mercy or love alone. In fact, it seems to require more "teeth" than that, with acts of mercy necessarily issuing from a strength of love. The second term "faithfulness" is more at truth. So, these combined form the basis of a successful man, namely that he acts truly upon lovingkindness. There is no deception or hidden agenda in his actions. And he is not content to merely think upon goodness, but must do something about it. The essence of such virtue is that this person must act, not content to be a mere spectator. Why? His heart overflows with love and cannot be contained. 

Where Empowering Truth Germinates

". . . Bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart." When truth resides here, they render the holder of them successful. "Location, location, location!" That's what makes the difference in the price of houses and land in the world of real estate. So the location of truth is also all-important! Not content to keep truth and love "at arm's distance," this "successful" person owns the truth and wears it openly and readily.

The Lure of Success

So you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man. This phrase is immediately attractive if for no other reason than that it sports the word "success." But we must not miss the fact either that God motivates us using favor and success as rewards for internalizing the virtues of love and faithfulness. So, we promote steadfast love and enjoy the greater security of God's faithfulness. And then we benefit again from God's favor and our good success! We are doubly blessed! But that's just like God isn't it? 

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