Tuesday, August 2

How Do We Know If We Love Christ? (Thanks, DGM)

Loving J. C. Ryle as I do, and especially his book, Holiness, this entry from DGM met with my joy, so I gladly pass it on to you. Before you read how Ryle answers this absolutely critical question, may I say something? 

Frankly, I feel at a loss as to how I might emphasize the centrality of this consideration. I mean, we can emphasize something, and most of the church will agree as to it's importance. But there it may die. We hear it. We can even agree with it. But it does not click with us. It does not enter our hearts! And therein lies the tragedy. And I do not think "tragedy" too exaggerated a term to use at all! We can talk theology and denominations, sure. But what Ryle deals with here is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL--real honest-to-goodness love for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It simply cannot be stressed too much!! 
Have I got your attention yet? Sorry, I do not mean to sound condescending. For lack of love to Jesus in the fashion mentioned below is something which is far too little understood among the Bible-believing Christians I know, and therefore, far too little practiced. That must change. What will it take for Christians to realize this? I think nothing less than a Holy Spirit heart-opening revival in each of us! So often, the most important issues are the ones we so easily ignore. Ignore this one no longer. For Christ's sake, ignore it no longer. How, then DO we love Christ rightly?
J. C. Ryle writes:
1. If we love a person, we like to think about him. We do not need to be reminded of him. We do not forget his name or his appearance or his character or his opinions or his tastes or his position or his occupation... Well, it is just so between the true Christian and Christ!
2. If we love a person, we like to hear about him. We find a pleasure in listening to those who speak of him. We feel an interest in any report which others make of him... Well, it is just so between the true Christian and Christ!
3. If we love a person, we like to read about him. What intense pleasure a letter from an absent husband gives to a wife, or a letter from an absent son to his mother... Well, it is just so between the true Christian and Christ!
4. If we love a person, we like to please him. We are glad to consult his tastes and opinions, to act upon his advice and do the things which he approves... Well, it is just so between the true Christian and Christ!
5. If we love a person, we like his friends. We are favorably inclined to them, even before we know them. We are drawn to them by the common tie of common love to one and the same person... Well, it is just so between the true Christian and Christ!
6. If we love a person, we are jealous about his name and honor. We do not like to hear him spoken against, without speaking up for him and defending him... Well, it is just so between the true Christian and Christ!
7. If we love a person, we like to talk to him. We tell him all our thoughts, and pour out all our heart to him. We find no difficulty in discovering subjects of conversation... Well, it is just so between the true Christian and Christ!
8. Finally, if we love a person, we like to be always with him. Thinking and hearing and reading and occasionally talking are all well in their way. But when we really love people we want something more... Well, it is just so between the true Christian and Christ!

Holiness, (Darlington, England: Evangelical Press,) 247-249.

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