Thursday, October 20

A Meditation--Strong Faith = Humble Fear

. . . but you stand fast through faith. So do not become proud, but fear.” (Romans 11:20)

None of us is anything of ourselves, whether Jew or Greek, or . . . American! That brings it closer to home. A myriad ways exist whereby we may gloat, IF we don't see the larger picture--the true picture. All boasting is short-sighted, narrow-minded, ignorant. So, God came to the Jews, but more importantly, He came through the Jews. The intent was that all the world would be blessed through Abraham (Gen. 12:3). And that is indeed what God has accomplished through Jesus Christ. 

As the text above says, we "stand fast through faith," not through our good looks, or good works, or American heritage. Faith only, that is faith in the absolutely necessary finishing of the sacrifice of atonement accomplished only and completely by Jesus. If Jesus "paid it all" then, as the songwriter penned, "all to him I owe." No room here for boasting. Ever! 

Fear? Yes. Even as faith emerges from the heart of the one who looks only to Christ for salvation, so too fear equally blossoms where one's respect finds grounding in the true Savior apart from anything on our part. Such fear can sing, "Nothing in my hands I bring, simply to thy cross I cling." And that is enough.

Where they "stand fast through faith" they will also humbly blossom in the fear of God. Such a blossom emits a sweet nectar before heaven, a pleasing aroma to God. That is peace. Enjoy it.

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