Friday, January 27

That ONE Sin We Can't (Won't) Quit

Most Christians know how easy it is to become blinded to their own sin. We may do well in many other areas, but there seems to be within most of us that one pesky sin that will not leave us. Truth be known, we have to answer the very hard question, "Do I love that sin?" Before we answer, we need to step back and become quite honest. Indeed, such honesty, such candor is a necessary component to victory. Spurgeon culled out of the writings of English Puritan Thomas Manton some of his more poignant illustrations. See if this one helps with regard to your own sin. It's a picture that has stuck in my mind to a good end.

Bird Tied By A String

“A bird that is tied by a string seems to have more liberty than a bird in a cage; it flutters up and down, and yet it is held fast.”

When a man thinks that he has escaped from the bondage of sin in general, and yet evidently remains under the power of some one favored lust, he is woefully mistaken in his judgment as to his spiritual freedom. He may boast that he is out of the cage, but assuredly the string is on his leg. He who has his fetters knocked off, all but one chain, is a prisoner still. “Let not any iniquity have dominion over me” is a good and wise prayer; for one pampered sin will slay the soul as surely as one dose of poison will kill the body. There is no need for a traveller to be bitten by a score of deadly vipers, the tooth of one cobra is quite sufficient to insure his destruction. One sin, like one match, can kindle the fires of hell within the soul.

The practical application of this truth should be made by the professor ["one who professes faith in Christ"] who is a slave to drink, or to covetousness, or to passion. How can you be free if any one of these chains still holds you fast? We have met with professors who are haughty, and despise others; how can these be the Lord’s free men while pride surrounds them? In will and intent we must break every bond of sin, and we must perfect holiness in the fear of the Lord, or we cannot hope that the Son has made us free. O thou who art the free Spirit, break every bond of sin, I beseech thee. (Spurgeon, C. H. (2009). Flowers from a Puritan's garden, distilled and dispensed (7–8). Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.)

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