Years ago, while still in college (1970-75), I read Today's Gospel by Walter Chantry for the first time. It was a watershed moment in my theological understanding of conversion. This coupled with the many "hand-outs" I received and numerous other Puritan works with which I became familiar have been a spiritual boon to my soul since then. I praise the Lord for directing me to reading these godly men of faith. They have provided an endless source of heart-enriching material.
Now, some 35 years later, after having digested Chantry's book, which has become part of my "spiritual DNA," it has been my privilege to re-read it. The Banner of Truth Trust has reprinted it some 13 times since its first publication in 1970. It is a short treatment (92 pages) of Jesus' method of evangelism which he believes is exemplified in the story of the Rich Young Ruler (Mark 10:17-27). Chantry answers the question put forward in his introduction, "What's Wrong With Evangelism Today?" Curiously, when so many methods rise and fall on the very fashionable "Trend Curve," his assessment of evangelism is quite current and urgently needed. Since I am highly recommending this book as a staple in every Christian's library, let me quote from the back of my copy:
Differences between much of today's preaching and that of Jesus are not petty; they are enormous. The chief errors are not in emphasis or approach but in the heart of the Gospel message. Were there a deficiency in one of the areas mentioned in these pages, it would be serious. But to ignore all--the attributes of God, the holy law of God, repentance, a call to bow to the enthroned Christ--and to pervert the doctrine of assurance, is the most vital mistake.
Walter J. Chantry was born in 1938, graduated from Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania (1960) and Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia (1963). In 1963, Mr. Chantry was ordained to the gospel ministry and became pastor of the Grace Baptist Church of Carlisle, Pa, where he served for 39 years. Since December 2002 he has served as Editor of The Banner of Truth magazine.
Lord willing, I plan to cull a few poignant thoughts from his book and share them in upcoming posts.
Greetings, Dave -
This is Steve. I oversee Banner of Truth here in the U.S. As you well know, we have many gems in our Banner of Truth warehouse; many of them shine very brightly. This book, "Today's Gospel," is certainly among the brightest. You are doing your church and any readers of your blog a great service by getting them to spend some time wrestling with the message of this book. And I sincerely hope that the pastors of Castile, Warsaw, Pavilion, Bliss, etc., are readers of your blog!
Blessings to you brother.
How about you consider joining us for the upcoming Banner of Truth U.S. Ministers' Conference, May 26-28, 2009? Walter Chantry will be one of the speakers, along with Sinclair Ferguson, Alistair Begg and others. You'll find a link to the conference information on the home page of our Web site: www.banneroftruth.org
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