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Not really how our visit went!! But cute! |
SUB-LUX-A-TION. There, I've said it, . . . or, written it. "Subluxation" a term with which Phyllis (my wife), Dave (my son), and I have become very familiar over the past couple of weeks. On vacation on Kiawah Island, SC, we had to visit the Island Chiropractic clinic four times. And we're so thankful they were there on Johns Island (adjacent to Kiawah). Subluxation (from a pamphlet in the waiting room) refers to the impingement of nerves in the spinal column by vertebrae that are out of alignment. In other words (and in less sophisticated terminology) "Your back is outa whack!" Well, my wife's back was definitely "out of whack!" It was painful for her, and painful for us to observe!
Whatever you may think about the practice of chiropraxy, Phyllis' back was obviously crooked before we went, and straight afterward. It took several attempts to get it truly aligned, but each visit helped. Now comes the maintenance.
Alignment of the back is vital; it affects other areas of the body. When the back is out of alignment, one must over-compensate with other muscles which are not used to such movement and they too react negatively. Pain ensues. Scriptures teaches a similar lesson doesn't it? When one member suffers, all the other members suffer with it (1 Cor. 12:26). Thus, there is a need for each member (part of the body) to fulfill his God-given role.
How To Align the Life?
The Bible is replete with such verses, one of which is Colossians 3:16-17:
See all the words I've highlighted? They issue forth from the first phrase, the word of Christ dwelling richly in the individual. Get this right, and the other will follow. Note, it doesn't say, merely read your Bible. That's true too. But reading alone is not the command. God's word must take up dwelling in the heart. It's the difference between visiting someone and living with them. Too many so-called Christians dwell in the world, and only visit Christ! For God's word to dwell in us, we must soak in it, steep in it like a tea bag, until the contents of the one (the tea bag) alter the makeup of the other (the water). The water is no longer just water, but tea! This is precisely why Jesus knocks at the door of the Laodicean church (Rev. 3:20); he's been disallowed from sitting at the table as a dweller of the heart! It is Jesus' practice to sit at table to eat but not as a dinner guest. He lives there! This is critical.Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Get this right, align the heart to God, through the Spirit nerve center and the life will fall into line. The spiritual muscles which once ached due to misuse, will correct and teaching, singing, and thankfulness will come naturally--automatically. Plant the tree by water and it grows!
Are you suffering from spiritual subluxation? Get realigned via the indwelling word.
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