Tuesday, November 18

"Ten Most Irritating Phrases"

The following is found on Serious Times. I've added my own personal favorites in [brackets]. 
Researchers at Oxford University have compiled the top ten most irritating phrases.
At the end of the day, such lists are fairly unique.  I personally, at this moment in time, and with all due respect, absolutely agree with their list.  It’s a nightmare to hear these phrases, and I know that when I have thought of using them, I shouldn’t of.  Nonetheless, you hear them 24/7, even when stopping shouldn’t be rocket science.
Here they are in a less irritating form:
1.  At the end of the day, [the bottom line]
2.  Fairly unique
3.  I personally
4.  At this moment in time
5.  With all due respect
6.  Absolutely
7.  It’s a nightmare
8.  Shouldn’t of
9.  24/7
10. It’s not rocket science
[11. Like]
Not quite making the top ten, but coming close, [were] the expressions “synergy,” “literally,” and “ironically.”
Revealed in the book A Damp Squid, named after the mistake of confusing a squid with a squib (which is a type of firework), author Jeremy Butterfield says “We grow tired of anything that is repeated too often – an anecdote, a joke, a mannerism – and the same seems to happen with some language.”
So here’s my “top five” list of irritating phrases circulating around Christianity, leaving those who post on this on www.serioustimes.com to suggest those that might round it out to ten:
5.  “Must be providential.”  Trotted out every time anything happens good or bad, often in ways that trivialize the true nature of God’s sovereignty and conveys a fatalism of the worst sort. [Similarly used is "God must have had a reason," which suggests that the one saying it doesn't really believe it]
4.  “I need to go where I’m fed.”  The ultimate in spiritual narcissism and the deepest reflection of a consumer faith.  We can throw in “I didn’t get anything out of it” (applied to worship) and “I need to be ministered to.”
3.  “I’m Reformed.”  Code used by those who claim the entire Reformation for themselves and their embrace of Calvinism.  Nothing against Calvin, but it is a ridiculous reduction of the Reformation’s mosaic and the many streams of Protestantism that flowed from its dynamic.
2.  “Postmodern.”  So overused, and misused, that it’s become specious.  When a single word can refer to a philosophy (such as offered by Lyotard), an era of history (meaning that which follows the modern era), and a style of ministry, then we need some more words.      
1.  “Emergent.”  Do I even have to explain selecting this one?
Looking forward to yours…..
James Emery White


Nick Kennicott said...

These are great David -- thank you! I emailed them on to my fellow pastors.

Phyllis said...

First one that came to my mind was, "I don't mean to be rude". What? Is that a permission statement to be rude, or is it saying one thing but doing another?

Next one would be, "only God knows their heart", this statement lets you get away with anything!

This one seems to be irritating only to me, "we need to be good stewards of God's money". Totally messed up statement, it's more often wrapped in hoarding rather than kingdom giving.

And how could Mr. White have left out, "conversation", poor word, it is "totally" ruined.

I must admit though that I don't mind the term reformed as Mr. White does. While I agree with his analysis, I don't agree that is what the word reformed conveys. It's all perspective, eh?