Tuesday, September 15

Do We Ever FEEL Anything About God?

What do you "feel" about heaven and holiness? Not, "What are you SUPPOSED to know . . . but feel. The following excerpt from the Personal Narrative of Edwards causes the true believer to sigh with longing for Christ & God's heaven!

The heaven I desired was a heaven of holiness; to be with God, and to spend my eternity in divine love, and holy communion with Christ. My mind was very much taken up with contemplations on heaven, and the enjoyments there; and living there in perfect holiness, humility and love: And it used at that time to appear a great part of the happiness of heaven, that there the saints could express their love to Christ. It appeared to me a great clog and burden, that what I felt within, I could not express as I desired. The inward ardor of my soul, seemed to be hindered and pent up, and could not freely flame out as it would. I used often to think, how in heaven this principle should freely and fully vent and express itself. Heaven appeared exceedingly delightful, as a world of love; and that all happiness consisted in living in pure, humble, heavenly, divine love.

I remember the thoughts I used then to have of holiness; and said sometimes to myself, "I do certainly know that I love holiness, such as the gospel prescribes." It appeared to me that there was nothing in it but what was ravishingly lovely; and highest beauty and amiableness ... a divine beauty; far purer than any thing here upon earth; and that every thing else was like mire and defilement, in comparison of it.

Perhaps between yesterday's and today's posts will serve to whet your appetite for more of Edwards. Many of Edwards' sermons & writings are online here. Please check them out! They will be a boon to the soul of anyone willing to put forth the effort.

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